Inventory of Undergraduate Courses

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*Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are not counted toward the requirement of no fewer than 18 credits in advanced courses for majors in this department for the B.A. degree.

+Economics 2100 and 2200 are required courses for students majoring in economics and accounting. Sophomores may take Economics 2100 as a corequisite course. Juniors and seniors majoring in other departments may enroll in advanced courses without taking Economics 2100, but they must have the necessary background information.

§Independent work means not less than three additional hours each week of conference, research, independent reading, and writing as assigned by the instructor. The student's grade is determined in part by the successful completion of this independent work.

In 2010, the college transitioned to a new course numbering system in preparation for the migration to the CUNYfirst platform. Old course numbers - if available - are provided in the parenthesis after the "/" symbol.

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