ECAE 3107 Science Inquiry for Young Children: General and Special Education

2 hours recitation, 2 hours supervised lab and field experience; 3 credits

Creation of environments that promote scientific curiosity and playful exploration in all children, including children with special needs and English language learners. Integration of science within the early childhood curriculum; the role of movement, music, and the performing arts in representing, refining, reviewing, and communicating science learning. Exploration of technologies and community resources, with a particular focus on urban environments. Review of professional, state, and local curriculum standards. Family involvement in science education. Development of teaching portfolio. Taught in coordination with General Science 3050 [20].

Prerequisite: Early Childhood and Art Education 2003, 2004, 3101, 3102, 3103, 3104, and 3105. Prerequisite or corequisite: Early Childhood and Art Education 3106; General Science 3050.


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