Studies in Religion (Dual Major), B.A. Four-Year Degree Map for Bulletin Year 2023-2024

First Year

Fall Classes - 15 credits Credits Spring Classes - 15 credits Credits
ENGL 1010: English Composition I
Pathways Required Core
3 ENGL 1012: English Composition II
Pathways Required Core
Math & Quantitative Reasoning
Pathways Required Core
3 Life & Physical Sciences
Pathways Required Core (ANTH 1200 recommended)
U.S. Experience in Its Diversity
Pathways Flexible Core (HIST 1201 or 1202 recommended)
3 Individual & Society
Pathways Flexible Core (RELG 3030/CLAS 3200 or PHIL 2101 recommended)
RELG 3003/CLAS 3246: Questions of Text & Truth: Introduction to Judaism, Christianity, & Islam, or RELG 3005/HIST 3373: Religions of India, China and Japan, or CLAS 3237/HIST 3310: Ancient Mediterranean Religions
3 Religious Studies Interdisciplinary Elective*
General Elective
General Elective (ANTH 1100 or 1300 or SOCY 1101 recommended)
3 Dual Major course

Second Year

Fall Classes - 15 credits Credits Spring Classes - 15 credits Credits
World Cultures & Global Issues
Pathways Flexible Core (ARTD 1035 or HIST 1101 or JUST 2545 recommended)
3 Scientific World
Pathways Flexible Core (ANTH 1205/CHEM 1037 or ANTH 2205)
Creative Expression
Pathways Flexible Core (ARTD 1010 recommended)
3 Creative Expression
Pathways Flexible Core
RELG 3003/CLAS 3246: Questions of Text & Truth: Introduction to Judaism, Christianity, & Islam, or RELG 3005/HIST 3373: Religions of India, China and Japan, or CLAS 3237/HIST 3310: Ancient Mediterranean Religions
3 Religious Studies Interdisciplinary Elective*
ANTH 3185: Anthropology of Religion, or PHIL 3730: Philosophy of Religion, or SOCY 2700: Sociology of Religion
3 Religious Studies Interdisciplinary Elective*
Dual Major course
3 Dual Major course

Third Year

Fall Classes - 15 credits Credits Spring Classes - 15 credits Credits
College Option
Pathways College Option (ARAB 1010 or CHIN 1010 or CREO 1038 or GRKC 2001 or HEBR 1001 or LATN 2101 recommended?choose the language of religious texts you?ve become interested in!)
3 College Option
Pathways College Option (ARAB 1020 or CHIN 1020 or CREO 2048 or GRKC 2002 or HEBR 1002 or LATN 2102 recommended)
RELG 4001 or HIST 4001 or PHIL 4105 or CLAS 4012
Major (May be taken in any subsequent term)
3 Dual Major course
Dual Major course
3 Dual Major course
Dual Major course
3 General Elective
General Elective
General Elective
General Elective
3 General Elective
General Elective

Fourth Year

Fall Classes - 15 credits Credits Spring Classes - 15 credits Credits
College Option
Pathways College Option
3 College Option
Pathways College Option
Dual Major course
3 Dual Major course
Dual Major course
3 General Elective
General Elective
General Elective
General Elective
3 General Elective
General Elective
General Elective
General Elective
3 General Elective
General Elective

Degree Details

42 Pathways Credits*

~51 Major Credits

  21 Religious Studies Credits

  ~30 Dual-Major Credits

Students are required to complete a dual major for this degree.

27 General Elective Credits

Students may apply a minor towards their general elective credits.

120 Total Credits

*The Religious Studies B.A. is a dual-major. Therefore, you must also complete an additional major alongside Religious Studies. That major can be anything you'd like. It is recommended that you meet with the Director of the Religious Studies program upon declaring your majors in order to customize your unique program of study. As a dual major in Religious Studies, you may apply up to 6 credits from your primary major toward fulfilling the requirements of the Religious Studies program.

The four-year degree map is designed to help you take the right courses in the right order so you can graduate in four years. It also helps you distinguish what courses qualify as Pathways courses, or Major courses, or General Elective courses; and it helps you to customize your Pathways courses to your Religious Studies major by giving you suggestions of courses that are either prerequisites for, or great complements to, Major courses.

Ideally, you should follow the four-year degree map as closely as possible, but you are free to make some adjustments so long as the prerequisite requirements are satisfied. There is a lot of choice in the Religious Studies major, and therefore a lot of flexibility; but students should also remember that not every qualifying course is offered every semester they are at the college. Students majoring in Religious Studies therefore should talk to the Program Director about when particular courses are scheduled to be offered in the upcoming semesters, both so they may plan accordingly and so that they can be better prepared to take the exact courses in which they are interested over the course of their four years.

*Students must take THREE of the following courses from at least TWO different academic disciplines/departments: AFST 3210, AFST 3101/HIST 3560, ANTH 2408, ARTD 3014, ARTD 3018, ARTD 3022, ARTD 3026, ARTD 3030, ARTD 3038, ARTD 3046, ARTD 3124, ARTD 3151, CHIN 3710, CLAS 3200/RELG 3030, CLAS 3238/WGST 3710/RELG 3042, CLAS 3241/RELG 3041, CLAS 3244/RELG 3035/HIST 3025, HIST 3317/RELG 3006, HIST 3044, HIST 3416/AMST 3106, HIST 3030, HIST 3033, HIST 3101, HIST 3212, HIST 3315/RELG 3050, HIST 3350, HIST 3532/RELG 3040, HIST 3550, HIST 3554, RELG 3020, JUST 3012, JUST 3013, JUST 3014, JUST 3017, JUST 3023, JUST 3031, JUST 3020/WGST 3222, JUST 3037, JUST 3038, JUST 3405/HIST 3552, JUST 3465, JUST 4195, JUST 4435, JUST 4017, JUST 3015, JUST 3036/HIST 3102, JUST 4018, JUST 4020, JUST 2545, JUST 4024, JUST 4034/HIST 3103, RELG 3011, PHIL 3113, PHIL 3721, PHIL 3722, PRLS 3115, POLS 3413/RELG 3004, POLS 3156/RELG 3055.

Students must take at least 12 Religion courses in residence at Brooklyn College. Substitutions for any one of the above requirements can only be made in consultation with the program director.

In conjunction with this four-year degree map, you should review Degree Works, the Studies in Religion pages on the Brooklyn College website, and the Brooklyn College Undergraduate Bulletin, for an approved list of courses in your major. And you are strongly encouraged to visit the Director of the Religion program for advising before registering for classes every semester.

Contact Information

Studies in Religion Program
3311 Boylan Hall
Andrew Arlig, Director

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