Summer Research Program Information
Institution: University of Michigan
Division: Department of Physics
Program: Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Physics (REU)
Academic Area(s): Engineering & Physical Sciences (Physics), Astrophysics/Cosmology; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; Condensed Matter Experiment and Theory; High Energy Experiment and Theory; Nonlinear Dynamics/Complex Systems; Nuclear Physics and Subatomic Physics;
Academic Eligibility: undergraduate, sophomores, juniors, non-graduating seniors
Other Academic Eligibility Requirements: Most students admitted to the program are between their third and fourth year of undergraduate education. Occasionally, students who are between their second and third year are admitted.
Underrepresented Groups:
US Citizen: Yes
Permanent Resident: Yes
Deadline: Beg-Feb
GPA Minimum:
Duration: 10 weeks
Stipend: Yes
Travel: Yes
Housing: Yes
Meals: Yes
Contact Name: Myron Campbell
Contact Title:
Phone #: 734.764.2192
City: Ann Arbor
State: Michigan
ZIP: 48109