Summer Research Program Information
Institution: Center for Selective C-H Functionalization
Program: CCHF Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program (C-SURP)
Academic Area(s): Engineering & Physical Sciences (Bioengineering, Chemical & Nuclear Engineering, Chemistry), C–H Functionalization
Academic Eligibility: undergraduate
Other Academic Eligibility Requirements: students, majoring in chemistry or chemical engineering. No previous research experience is required, but students should be able to express an interest in the field of C–H Functionalization.Community college students who plan to matriculate to a four-year university and major in chemistry or related fields are also strongly encouraged to apply.
Underrepresented Groups: Underrepresented In Science Encouraged, Minorities Encouraged, Women Encouraged
US Citizen: Yes
Permanent Resident: Yes
Deadline: Beg-Feb
GPA Minimum:
Duration: 10 weeks
Stipend: Yes
Travel: Yes
Housing: Yes
Other benefits: Travel awards to/from their host institution; $5,000 stipend; on campus housing, some participants may be given a housing allowance instead depending on the location.
Contact Name:
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City: various locations across the US