Summer Research Program Information
Institution: The Jackson Laboratory
Program: Summer Student Program (SSP)
Academic Area(s): Medical & Life Sciences, Technology, Science Writing and Communication; Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; Cancer; Developmental Biology and Aging; Genomics; Immunology and Infectious Disease; Metabolic Diseases; Neurobiology and Sensory Deficits; The emphasis of this program is on methods of discovery and communication of knowledge, not the mastery of established facts.
Academic Eligibility: freshmen, sophomores, juniors, non-graduating seniors, high school
Underrepresented Groups:
US Citizen: Yes
Permanent Resident: Yes
Deadline: Beg-Feb
GPA Minimum:
Duration: 10 weeks
Stipend: Yes
Travel: Yes
Housing: Yes
Meals: Yes
Other benefits: The Summer Student Program is available at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine and The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine in Farmington, Connecticut.
Contact Name: JAX Genomic Education
Contact Title:
Phone #: 207-288-6924
City: Bar Harbor
State: Maine
ZIP: 04609