Summer Research Program Information
Institution: Harvard School of Public Health
Division: Division of Biological Sciences
Program: Summer Internships in Biological Sciences in Public Health
Academic Area(s): Medical & Life Sciences (Biology, General Medical & Life Sciences), Research projects focus on biological science questions that are important to the prevention of disease. Disease areas include infections (tuberculosis, malaria, Chagas disease), cancer, lung diseases, multifactorial, multigenic and common diseases of aging, diabetes, obesity, etc. Scientific approaches include regulation of cell growth and gene regulation, cellular metabolism, DNA modification, cellular signaling, structure-function analyses, etc
Academic Eligibility: sophomores, juniors, non-graduating seniors
Other Academic Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must have a demonstrated interest in public health, specifically laboratory research.Rising juniors and seniors; Applicants must be from an underrepresented group in graduate research; must have a basic science background and have taken several classes beyond intro level courses;
Underrepresented Groups: Underrepresented In Science Encouraged, Minorities Encouraged, Women Encouraged, Socially/Financially Disadvanted Students Encouraged
US Citizen: Yes
Permanent Resident: Yes
Deadline: Beg-Feb
GPA Minimum: 3.0
Duration: 8 weeks
Stipend: Yes
Travel: Yes
Housing: Yes
Other benefits: $3,500 Stipend; $500 meal allowance
Contact Name: Tom Brazda
Contact Title: BPH Program Coordinator
Phone #:
City: Boston
State: Massachusetts
ZIP: 02115